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This method returns a URL for downloading the current call recording.

The Record calls toggle in the phone channel settings must be set to active so that call recordings become available for download.


The method is called without arguments and returns a string with the call recording download URL:


URL template

The file download URL conforms to the following template:



  • host is the domain where the project is hosted, e.g.
  • token is the token for downloading call recordings from the current project.
  • sessionId is the current call session identifier.
Compared to $dialer.getCallRecordingPath, the URL returned by this method does not require signing in to JAICP to download call recordings.


I can’t download the file from this link

Question: I can’t download a call recording from a link obtained using $dialer.getCallRecordingFullUrl() (or another way). Why?

Answer: You may be trying to download a file immediately after the call ends.

The system takes some time to make the audio recording available after a call. This may take up to several minutes. The file will be available via the link for at least six months.