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This method sends to a user all messages that are part of an answer to a question from an FAQ module in the knowledge base.

When filling out the FAQ, you can attach up to 20 messages with text and media of various formats. When responding to a user, the bot will send these messages in the order you arranged them.


This method accepts the basic wording of the FAQ question with the prefix /KnowledgeBase in it as the string argument (an optional parameter). If you do not specify this parameter, the path to the intent that the bot switched to the state with pushReplies will be used.

$faq.pushReplies("/KnowledgeBase/FAQ.topic/Root/Intent path");

How to use

Connect bot knowledge base to the script using the global tag intentGroup! and use the $faq.pushReplies method to send answers to a user from it:

state: KnowledgeBase
intentGroup!: /KnowledgeBase
script: $faq.pushReplies();