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Classifies the text with additional parameters.


The method accepts the text for parsing in the string argument and some additional parameters.

$caila.inference({"phrase":{"text":"greetings"}, "nBest": 5, knownSlots: [{"name":"a", "value":"b"}]});


  • phrase are the phrases for classification.
  • nBest is the number of hypotheses to be returned.
  • knownSlots are the known slots:
    • name — name of the slot;
    • value — value of the slot.

A JSON object with the phrase classification result is returned in response.

Let us define the hello intent with the following training phrases: hello, hi. The classification result for the hello phrase is:


"id":12174, // intent id
"path":"/hello", // the path to the intent
"slots":[ // slots

"confidence":1, // confidence level

You can also use the custom clientId identifier as a method argument. Specify the clientId identifier as the last argument. When $caila.inference is executed, entities will be recognized for the specified client.

How to use

state: Example
q!: inference
$reactions.answer(JSON.stringify($caila.inference({"phrase":{"text":"hello"}, "nBest": 5, knownSlots: [{"name":"a", "value":"b"}]})));