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Sending event data

The chat widget supports the method that sends event data on the site.

Text message

Use the following function to send a text message from the page with the chat widget:

window.JustWidget.sendText({ text: "Hello World!", hiddenMessage: true });

The message can either be displayed as a user reply or can be hidden. Use the hiddenMessage: true flag to hide the message.


Use the following function to send a event message from the page with the chat widget:

window.JustWidget.sendEvent({ event: "customEvent", eventData: { example: false }});

The event message is not displayed as a user reply.

Data are available in the $ variable within the script.

Use window for iframe when you embed a chat widget in the iframe. For example: document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow.

Example of sending event data

<button onclick="customText(false)">Send message</button>
<button onclick="customText(true)">Send hidden message</button>
<button onclick="customEvent()">Send event</button>

<script src="PATH/TO/YOUR/justwidget.js" async></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// sending text
function customText(hidden) {
window.JustWidget.sendText({ text: "Hello World!", hiddenMessage: true });
// sending event
function customEvent() {
window.JustWidget.sendEvent({ event: "customEvent", eventData: { example: false }});