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Basic concepts in J‑Graph

What is a canvas

In J‑Graph, the bot script is laid out on the canvas — a two-dimensional surface which extends infinitely both horizontally and vertically.

What are states

The script consists of states, which are the units building up the bot business logic: waiting for user actions and reacting to them.

States related to one another as parent and children states combine into groups.

You can divide states into multiple themes to make the script structure simpler and clearer.

What do states consist of

States, in turn, consist of blocks — elements which describe how the bot can switch between states and what it should do after switching. There are several kinds of blocks:

  • User phrases and events which can initiate a dialog transition from the current state to other states.

  • Triggers — user phrases and events which can initiate a dialog transition to the current state.

  • Reactions — actions performed by the bot when a state is triggered.

    Actions are a specific type of reactions. They execute complex and frequently repeated bot actions or script fragments, such as an HTTP request or a transfer to an agent.

States are interconnected with links — lines which visualize the possible transitions from one state to another. In combination, states and links form a coherent bot script.