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How to transfer my bots to another account

We can help you transfer the bots from your account to another one.

First, make sure your bot is ready. If you do not have access to the account you are transferring the bots to, you will not be able to change the script later.

The recipient account should have an empty project for the bot you are transferring.

Ensure that the language of the project you have created is the same as the language of the empty project in the recipient account.

Also, the recipient account should have an empty project for each project you want to transfer.

When everything is ready, contact technical support via email and provide the following information:

  • The email address associated with the account from which you want to transfer the bots.
  • The email address associated with the recipient account.
  • The name of the project to be transferred and the new empty project. This combination is required for each bot you are transferring.

For example, the request might look as follows:

Hi! I’d love to transfer my bots from to Please, transfer “Excellent bot” to “Our first bot”.

In this case, the “Excellent bot” project from the account will be transferred into the empty “Our first bot” project in the account.

When transferring the bot, the connected channels and the Google Sheets integration is not transferred with the bot.