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To evaluate the script effectiveness, you can to track the results that users achieve during the conversation with the bot. For example, this can be a placement of an order or a review of the service.

There can be only one result in a session. You can find statistics on dialog results on the chart in the Project overview section and in the dialog report.

How to set a dialog result

  • In the script code, use:

    • The $analytics.setSessionResult method:

      1. Create a metric in the Metrics configuration section on the Session results tab.
      2. Add a call to the $analytics.setSessionResult method with the metric key on the necessary states.
    • The sessionResult state parameter:

      1. Select key points in the script.
      2. Add the sessionResult parameter to selected states.
  • In the J‑Graph visual editor, use state labels.

When the user goes to the state that records a result, that result will appear on the chart and in the dialog report.