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JAICP release 1.11.9


  • Microsoft Azure ASR/TTS support.
  • Secrets for sensitive data in a script.
  • Overriding the $client and $session variables’ values in XML tests.


  • Sending files to a client in a chat widget.
  • Easy connection of a GitHub repository to a project.
  • Updated the Analytics > Clients section user interface.
  • A new parameter on creating the i-Digital WhatsApp channel.


  • Instructions on issuing personal tokens for Bitbucket and GitLab.
  • New article on how to contact customer support.

Azure ASR/TTS support

We are constantly expanding the range of ASR/TTS providers that you can use in JAICP. Since this release, we have started to support Azure ASR/TTS.

If you want to use Azure ASR/TTS, on creating the telephone channel, you can:

Secrets for sensitive data

Now you can add secrets to store and use sensitive data in your project. A secret is a key-value pair that contains data which should be nonpublic, for example, passwords or access keys. Secret values are encrypted.

Only users with the administrator role can add, edit, and delete secrets.

You can use secrets in the bot script by calling the $secrets.get method.

$client and $session variables in tests

Now you can override the $client and $session variables’ values in XML tests. You can do it using a new <context> tag.

The tag makes it possible to test those script sections with $client and $session that you could not cover with tests before. You do not need to write extra code in tests or states in the script to test such script sections.

Send files to a client in a chat widget

In the chat widget, a bot could send to a client only audio or video, now — other files as well, for example, PDF or XLSX. For that, add the file reply type to the $response.replies list in the script.

GitHub repository connection

To connect a repository hosted on GitHub to a project, previously you had to issue a personal access token. Since this release, you can connect the GitHub repository using a special setting when creating a project. Now you can create a new repository or connect the existing one in several clicks — without issuing a personal token.

Within this improvement, changes have been made to both processes of creating a project: using the platform and JAICF.

Analytics > Clients section UI

We have updated the user interface for the Analytics > Clients section. We have also added a new quick filter — Phrase. This filter sorts out the list of clients by the specified words.

A new parameter on creating the i-Digital WhatsApp channel

Now you can enter your business account name (the Account name field) on creating the i-Digital WhatsApp channel. Fill out the parameter if you are going to use your bot for outbound messaging campaigns.

Documentation updates

Personal access token for Bitbucket and GitLab

We have added new instructions to Personal access token for Git repositories. The instructions describe how to issue a personal token if you work with the following hosting services: Bitbucket and GitLab. If you want to store your project in a repository on one of these hosting services, you need to specify the token when creating the project.


A personal access token is a secure alternative to passwords, which only grants permissions to specifically authorized applications and limits the scope of allowed actions.

How to contact customer support

The Customer support article has been added. In this article, you can find information on:

  • How to contact customer support.
  • How to submit the best request, so that the customer support team help you quickly.
  • Where to find all your requests.