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JAICP release 1.11.5


  • Payments in Telegram.
  • Weekly reports on bot statistics.


  • System projects in the script editor.
  • Disabling extra case modification when calling the capitalize function.


  • Updated article on mock objects in XML tests.

In release 1.11.5, we have added support for payments in Telegram. Now your clients will be able to pay for your goods and services directly from Telegram bots.

Project analytics has become even more accessible now that we have rolled out automatic email reports. You will always stay in touch on how popular and effective your bots are, without even needing to log into JAICP.

We have some great news for bot developers as well:

Payments in Telegram

Chatbots developed for the Telegram channel can now display payment forms for the goods and services you provide.

To make a payment form appear in the chat, use the TelegramPayment action tag in the appropriate state. The tag parameters give flexible control over the form behavior, allowing you to customize item properties such as the name, image, and price, as well as specify states for handling successful and failed payments.

Reports on bot statistics

JAICP users can now receive weekly reports containing statistics on active bots.

The reports include aggregated data on dialog results and sketch out session and message growth rates. For bots in the phone channel, they also contain such figures as the total number of calls, the number of minutes spent, and the average call duration.

If you signed up for JAICP before December 20, 2021, automatic email reports are disabled by default. To enable them, go to Project reports and activate the Receive reports on all account projects by email toggle.

System projects in the script editor

We have an important update concerning the script editor: on the Dependencies panel under the file tree, you can now view the full contents of the zb-common system project.

System projects contain universal and frequently used script elements, such as ready-made named patterns and utility functions. Use the require tag to import the necessary files into your own projects and feel free to use them as you see fit.

Improved capitalization

The capitalize built-in function is typically used for transforming the first character of its string argument to uppercase. However, it also has additional behavior: it upcases the first characters of all parts of the string delimited with hyphens and downcases all the others.

This behavior is clearly not suitable for all use cases, so now it is configurable with a function argument and can be turned off.

Documentation updates

We have thoroughly reworked the documentation on setting up mock objects in XML tests with the <mockData> tag, which will hopefully help you in creating high-quality test suites for complex bot scripts!